Friday, October 21, 2016

Cataracts and a vegan diet

Before we go into how diet affect cataract development... a friend of mine has been raising funds for A New Vision - a charity organization giving free eye surgeries for the poor and blind in indonesia to help them see again. Indonesia is the 2nd country in the world after Ethopia with the largest number of blind - and guess what? 4 out of 5 of these blind people Can Be Cured with a simple cataract surgery.

I urge you to help them recover their sight, you can click on the crowdfunding link below to take a look at their campaign and contribute... hurry though, the campaign will expire in a few days. The campaign has expired, see updates below. You can still donate to A New Vision here.

UPDATE 25oct16: For those who donated to A New Vision, thank you very much! You have helped them meet the target amount raised, this means more eyes will not have to remain blind!

Currently the campaign is still accepting donations and it will end in less than a day, if they receive a good sufficient number of unique donors during this period (repeated donations from the same individual not counted) they will stand a chance to win the Mastercard Grand Prize of US$25K for their charity. So do inform your family and friends about this good cause, the more support they can receive, the closer to getting more funds for the blind beneficaries. Thanks once again!

UPDATE 1nov16: Thank you to all who supported! A New Vision has now entered the Grand Finals to pitch their project to the judges. Check out Project Inspire's facebook post below.  

Now about sight and diet... how is the amount of meat we are eating related to cataract development later? have summarised a study on this pretty well... Take a look at the video.

Key points
Cutting back on meat cuts down your risk about 15%.
Just do fish, down 21%.
No fish, 30% drop in risk.
And then, no eggs and dairy for the full 40% drop in risk.

Overall, compared with meat-eaters who consumed 100 grams of meat and meat products a day, fish-eaters, vegetarians, and vegans had approximately 20%, 30%, and 40% lower risk of cataracts, respectively.

It's great that we still have our sight now, and have the blessings to learn how to lower the risk of getting cataracts through dietary intake - compared to the blind in Indonesia whom many have no access to the proper education and medical facilities. What better way is there to celebrate and be thankful for our sight by going and staying veg and make a small donation to help the blind recover their sight?

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Saturday, September 10, 2016

I am still vegan

Hi Everyone,

It's been so long since I blog.

I am still vegan :) Don't worry, I didn't go back to eating meat. Will be hitting my 12th year as a vegan soon on 26 Nov 2016.

Life's just very busy nowadays that I can't find time to blog.

I did went through the "health dip" which some vegans went through after some years on a vegan diet. It is this health dip that cause many vegans to give up and went back to meat or animal products. But I didn't give up because I know deep in my heart a vegan diet is workable.

Many changes were made. The key is: ELIMINATE, DETOX, NOURISH - Yes my "END" method :) The END of an unhealthy diet.

I totally ELIMINATED the following foods:
Mock Meats,
Black and White pepper,
Spicy Food (curries, chilli, jalapeno peppers etc.),
Deep Fried food and food with a lot of oil used in the making/cooking.

(These foods are SO PREVALENT in Singapore and South East Asia.)

and MINIMISE the following:
Processed food high in fat, sugar, salt, addictives, preservatives etc.

If you cannot eliminate the Mock Meat due to its texture, use MINIMALLY this to substitute:
Textured Vegetable Protein that is not fried, and not flavoured - ensure you chew it really well and soak it longer when rehydrating so it is less taxing for your hardworking stomach.

I went to see a Traditional Chinese Medical Doctor to DETOX my body to purge myself of the RUBBISH I have been filling myself with all these years.

DETOX also involves ROUTINE EXERCISE (that has enough exertion!). This will purge you of more toxins from your body. Yes you need to get off that chair. I am going to implement this very soon.

After that, NOURISH your body back with WHOLESOME VEGAN NUTRITION. I am biohacking the effects of different vegan sourced nutrition on my body. Some of which are not frequently use in a vegan diet. There has been quite a number of positive effects.

Follow the END method to END your unhealthy diet and lifestyle, and you will gradually feel less and less weak, even now going into the late DETOX phase and starting to try out the NOURISH phase, my health has already stopped dipping free fall.

I believe I can crack the secret to THRIVE on a clean vegan diet soon.

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Sunday, August 25, 2013

The kid and the fridge

A picture speaks a thousand words... If all kids (and some adults) saw these animals in their fridge, and there were no parental pressure, you bet they will go veg. Nobody likes to see killing and dead bodies - it brings up a strange indescribable feeling in the heart...  unless they have been conditioned and be really apart from their own natural heart.

... If people tell you plants feel pain, tell them to ask themselves deeply and use their heart.

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Monday, April 15, 2013

Coupon code: 15% off vegan bags

Finally found a little time to blog again!

Check out Estella design - where you can get vegan bags. Handmade from vegan fabrics, these bags are long lasting and durable.

You can use the code: LIVINGVEGAN15 to get a discount of 15% off from now until 7th May.

Happy shopping!
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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Antioxidant workshop

Merry Christmas! Happy New-Mayan-Era! Happy new year! After missing in action for a month, it's about time to be back here. Food picture posts will be coming up soon as well as the next post in the "Ask Ketki" series... Meanwhile I had been busy last december helping out my friend at his antioxidant workshop. My friend Yeow was running "raw" health workshops for the public. These workshops teaches people how to make green smoothies, soy yoghurt, edible enzymes and stuff. I was tasked to prep the stuff and serve the participants. Check out the pictures.

Soy yoghurt with dragon fruit enzyme and bananas yummy...

Sprouted green beans with trial mix for an energy packed snack...

His raw and green energy drinks are the best... blended on the spot and drank on the spot. Taste simply full of goodness and energy.

Orange pineapple punch with red dragon fruit enzyme.

Mango passion fruit

Yeow has these for his meals day in and out and hardly eats cooked stuff. Most people's antioxidant levels fall into the red and orange danger zone, vegetarians in the yellow zone. His level was way past the blue zone, in fact out of range in the chart. Yeow will be running his future seminars at Kampung Senang, so do look out for his events if you want to learn how to boost your antioxidant level.
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Monday, December 3, 2012

Eco vegan product agency in Singapore

This is something new and cool in Singapore! A marketing agency which focuses on vegan and environmentally friendly stuff. They are pretty well diversified in what they do - handling Public Relations, Events, Advertising, Design, Interior, Concerts for clients. I got a chance to interview one of the founders - Marie about her business.

1) Why did u start this eco vegan product PR agency?

The reason we started this agency is because Maria (my business partner) is a vegan. She influenced me to lead a cruelty-free lifestyle. We don't own any items or belongings that are derived from animals or animal, because it is the ethical way of life. She is a wise leader and she taught me to be my best. I have to thank her as our company is a niche market and we are the only one in Singapore and probably Asia.

2) Can you tell us more about your company?

Our company support clients that are cruelty free. Basically almost everything except stuff that contains animals derivatives. We are a company who cares and loves the environment. Both Maria and I are creative directors who are experienced in our field.

3) You mentioned you are the vegan chef at home, can you share a recipe?

Yes. My extremely easy, fast, quick-cook meal is called the Spicy Sumptuous Sensational mouth-watering Vegan Wrap. It's called short form SSS Mouth Watering Vegan Wrap. (When you eat this you'll tend to go "ssssss", cuz it's really spicy on your tongue)

1) First, chop cucumbers, tomatoes, red and yellow peppers into small peices.
2) Take a pan, add vegan cooking oil or olive oil.
3) Heat the pan up with low fire and stir-fry it with a little onions, garlic, grounded pepper.
4) Stir-fry the cucumbers etc. with Mushroom Sauce or Vegetarian oyster sauce or even pasta sauce for 5-8 minutes.
5) Add oregano leaves and basil leaves. And then Add Chili padi (Chopped, 3 small pieces are good enough).
6) Pour about 5 tablespoons of water to cook and stir it with the vegetables. I use alkaline water by watersource because adding Alkaline water in your food balances the pH level of your body.
7) If your broth is too watery, pour more sauce, If your broth is too thick, pour more water.
8) To enhance the flavour, get Fry's vegan Sausages at cold storage. They are extremely tasty. Chop one sausage into tiny peices and fry them till they become thick.
9) Lay the wrap (check ingredients that is vegan) on a plate. If you wanna bake it to be hard it takes 5 min to bake)
10) Pour all ingredients on top of the wrap and add a dash of sesame oil
11) Serve with a glass of Water Source Alkaline Water, I have to mention this again because this is really good. I use to wake up often and can't get back to sleep, but after drinking this, I slept throughout the night. You can get more information from their website here I suggest everyone use it in their cooking especially so if you are not a vegan, because animal products and junk food increase our body's acidity.

(In the recipe above, I chopped up all my food first then stir the mixture and put the wrap below and I cooked with Veg's Fry Burger Patty but I suggest to chop the sausages as they go with it better)

4) What about tips on preparing healthy food, could you share some secrets of culinary skills? 

Secretsss.... The secret to preparing food is to omit all meats. Mix the vegtables with a lot of different ingredients that gel together logically. There is also trial and error to certain foods. A chef needs to be passionate about cooking as well. When you are cooking for the sake of cooking, your food will taste ok, if you are cooking with love, your food will taste jaw-dropping. Do look out for our cooking show very soon.

Please give Marie support by liking her facebook page here
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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Happy International Meatless Day!

Today is international meatless day! This is a day I will never forget, because 10 years ago, I had wanted to go vegetarian today but failed. I went vegetarian the next day.

I hope if you are on your journey to be a vegetarian or vegan you will not give up. And if you are already one, you will remain so :) Stay free!

If you face any problems on your vegetarian or vegan diet, please feel free to write to me. I am not an expert, but I will try to help you within my means.
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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Green Tree vegan household cleaners

I am very happy to find this range of household cleaners only recently available in Singapore - which is 100% vegan! For those of you who are thinking of veganizing not only your meals but your lifestyle as well, this household range will fit nicely - they have laundry liquid, floor cleaner, hand wash, dish wash and an all purpose cleaner - made with plant and fruit enzymes and is 100% biodegradable.

Some enzymes cleaners we made ourselves give off a smell, but Green Tree doesn't, they have a light pleasant smell. So far, I have tried the dishwashing liquid, floor cleaner and the multipurpose cleaner - they are not foamy as conventional cleaners, but not inferior to them in terms of cleaniness. The oil gets off just as effectively. The multipurpose cleaner I would say is comparable to Mr Muscle brand. Gonna try the laundry liquid next.

One more important difference between these environmentally friendly cleaners vs the normal cleaners is that it doesn't dry my hands. Usually my hand felt dryer after washing the dishes with conventional dish washing liquids but I do not really feel any dryness after using Green Tree's dishwashing liquid.

Apparently, from Channel News Asia's interview, they got their fruits and vegetables for making enzymes from discarded supplies - really smart way of recycling - something we need very much in the current environment of great wastage.

Check them out, it's really good stuff
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